Pleasure marriage which is also referred to as ‘Nikah Mut’ah’ is solely temporary marriage that is allowed under certain conditions under some specific school of Islamic law, here a man and a woman agree mutually to be married for a certain time. While the other type of marriages is designed for a lifetime, pleasure marriages are contracted for a certain period after which the marriage automatically ends. While it is practiced in some Muslim depressed around the globe, acceptance of triple talaq in India is a much debated legal, religious, and cultural issues.


Indian civil laws regimen by the Hindu Marriage Act 1955 and Special Marriage Act 1954 has provisions for permanent legal status in marriages. One cannot even talk of homogeneity regarding Nikah Mut’ah allowed under the Islamic personal law regulating marriage and divorce among Muslims in India. The Sunni Muslim majority of India usually does not allow to accept pleasure marriages as legal; however, some Shias assert that such marriages are legal in accordance with their religion. Due to these differences in opinions they were able to prevent uniform legal statute in pleasure marriages within the Indian judicial scenario.


The culture of pleasure marriage has been observed to bring out quite a number of social and ethical questions in the Indian community. Some opponents suggest that such change would trivialize the meaning of the institution of marriage by reducing the concept to the matters of convenience matching an ordinary contractual relationship. They highlight how it could subvert respect, equality, emotional attachment – all those ingredients. Besides, it has been associated with prejudice in some conservative cultures because its use can be easily abused to just dump the roles of conventional marriages for short-term concubines.


Pleasure marriages might offer this idea of temporary sexual partnership under the facade of religious legitimacy to the desperate ones; but they are still socially unaccepted idea in India. With changes occurring in legal and social platforms in India, through ‘the way out’ or other power discussions on individual freedoms, it may either adopt /or reject such practices in the future . Pleasure marriages still remain outlawed in the Indian peripheries of legal and social domains to trigger numerous opinions and discourses.


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